To review your writing, a minimum order donation of £20 is required. Please make your payments via the buttons below.
Review your idea, story and characters
Assess the dialogue, structure and pacing
Check the originality against AI/human writing
Look at its market potential, production (book/film/tv)
Create a coverage report to offer suggestions for change, proofreading/polishing, editing
Typesetting, book formatting, cover creation
ISBN and publishing platform registration
Promotional video, social media marketing
PAY IT FORWARD: By making a donation, you can 'pay it forward' for a review of, or work on, a friend's book or script.
DONATION FOR WORK: Unable to pay the suggested fees above? Then make a donation with however much you are able to. Minimum donation of £25 is required.
OUT OF HOURS EMAIL SUPPORT: So you don't feel so alone when you write your book, you are welcome to post us your questions or concerns about your work. You will get a response as soon as is possible. Minimum donation of £10 is required.